Mission Statement

At CenTex Sports Association we aim to build character as we build athletes. We believe that drive, commitment and mutual respect is the key to building a team. Our goal is to provide an environment that will encourage healthy development and lifelong love of the game.

Our Waco-based association aims not only to raise successful athletes- but to raise better men and woman. During the sports seasons, we will ask our varsity players to give their all on the field. When you hear the words “Winning isn’t everything” you probably shake your head, but here at CTSA, we mean it whole-heartedly. 

In addition- our foundations of training don’t begin on the field- they begin in front of the whiteboard. We want our athletes to have a solid foundation from the start, and a thorough understanding of the game they are playing.  We will train bodies and minds, on and off the gridiron, and most importantly- we will teach respect and integrity through leading by example.